Saturday, August 8, 2015

Corona Renderer 1.2 for 3ds Max 2011-2016

Corona Renderer 1.2 for 3ds Max 2011-2016

[ #Corona #Render #3dsMax ]
Corona Renderer 1.2 for 3ds Max 2011-2016 is now available with some cool new features

New Features/Improvements

  -Displacement Improvements
  -Corona Renderer v1.2 brings you a completely re-worked displacement which should be much more powerful, stable and less memory-hungry. The new algorithm also creates nicer meshes with less meshing artifacts. We are also planning further displacement enhancements in 1.3 as well.

  -Keep Edges Together
The new “Keep Edges Together” functionality for displacement which many of you requested
  -Corona Displacement Modifier
Displacement is now also available as a modifier – CoronaDisplacementMod
  -CoronaScatter supports VertexPaint
  -Corona Renderer - CoronaScatter VertexPaint support
  -Corona Multimap Texmap Improvement

List of various improvements:

  -3ds Max 2016 Physical Camera is now supported
  -“Area to Render: Selected” is now supported
  -Added support for 3ds Max atmospheric effects
  -Added seed spinner to MultiMap
  -The standalone (simple) Corona Sun has been reworked. It is now targeted and displays proper illumination in the viewport
  -Textures in CoronaScatter now support vertex color as well as other extra mapping channels
  -MultiMap now has 100 maximum slots (some of them are accessible only via maxscript)
  -New improved proxy exporter script
  -Added “override enviro distance” option to z-depth render element
  -Added “override enviro color” option to CTexmap render element

Quick overview of new and improved features in the Corona Renderer 1.2 release

More details about Corona Renderer 1.2 for 3ds Max 2011-2016 can be found here


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